Welcome Home

Apr 25, 2024


3 Months away from being in front of my desk — Never thought I’d miss the brisk air or smell of urinals while traversing the western European train system.

Suffice to say being in the countryside in south Italy taught me a lot. Albeit reluctantly, there was a lot of wisdom packed into everyday that brought me a lot closer to sweethome alabama than I’d ever thought.

The city boy inside me screamed, cursed, and bled on repeat for weeks, and not just at the land either.

So in honor of my time away from you guys, I’ll be doing some segments on the deep Italian south in case you were thinking of visiting anytime soon.

I’ll see you all on the other side




From grading essays to grading business strategies. Ex-teacher, forever learner. I can also whisper to AI, break boards... and market barriers